
clone method中文什么意思

发音:   用"clone method"造句
  • 克隆方式;复制方法
  • clone:    n. 1.【生物学】纯种细胞,无性系。 2.复制品;(几 ...
  • method:    n. 1.方法,方式;顺序。 2.(思想、言谈上的)条理 ...
  • clone panel method:    克隆嵌板法
  • clone:    n. 1.【生物学】纯种细胞,无性系。 2.复制品;(几乎)一模一样的人。 3.(不动脑筋)机械行事的人;机器人。 vt. 把…培养为纯种细胞;无性繁殖;〔比喻〕复制。
  • no clone:    不复制;不克隆; 不克隆
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  1. To acquire the polyclonal antibody of hbaf53 , we made use of several molecular cloning methods
  2. The traditional homogene cloning method was modified on two aspects : first , homo - primers was designed at the sites with minimum degeneracy instead of maximum homology , secondly , some " n " bases were replaced with inosine in degenerate codes , resulting hi the degeneracy reduced from over 1000 times to below 100 times
  3. The complete nucleotide sequences of two strain viruses were determined . ten pairs of primers were designed based on the nucleotide sequences of tbev sofjin - ho , oshima5 - 10 by dnastar software . the virus cdna was expanded by rt - pcr in ten parts . sequenced by clones method . 5 " terminal and 3 " terminal cdna was expanded by race method . the nucleotide sequences and deduced amino acid sequences of two strain viruses were compared with the sequences in genbank by dnastar software
    根据genbank中已公布的tbevsofjin - ho株和oshima5 - 10株核苷酸序列利用dnastar软件设计10对引物,利用rt - pcr技术分段扩增病毒cdna ,克隆法测序。病毒基因组5末端和3末端序列采用race法扩增。测序结果用dnastar软件拼接,在genbank中检索6株tbev编码区核苷酸序列、 12株tbeve蛋白核苷酸序列,并在dnastar上进行核苷酸序列、由此推导的氨基酸序列比较及构建系统发生树。
  4. Since the success of dolly , the first cloned sheep with the adult somatic cells as karyoplast donor , new approaches have been developed for nuclear transfer technology . here we describe a handmade cloning method which combines the chemical induced enuleation and zona - free technology in embryo culture . enuleated oocytes were derived by exposing the oocytes to demecolcine and cytoheximide supplemented mdium sequently and its chromosome was depleted to the first polar body
    将培养10h的化学去核卵母细胞与供体成纤维细胞融合后lh 、 2h 、 3h ,分别有77 . 6 % 、 70 . 6 % 、 58 . 9 %重构胚的染色质发生凝集,其余胚胎的染色体则处于原核期;而只在融合后3h , 27 . 9 %重构胚被标记出组装的纺锤体,且其中的同源染色体己经分离。



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